• Terms of Use

    Short Version
    This website provides information on yoga, personal development, inner growth and conscious living. You alone are responsible for what you do or don’t do with it.

    Long Version
    This website is intended to provide educational information on topics related to personal development, inner growth and conscious living. The information available on the Website is provided ‘AS-IS’ and is intended to be a general information resource regarding the matters covered, and is not tailored to your specific circumstance. The publisher is not engaged in rendering legal, medical, financial, or other professional services. If expert assistance is required, please seek the services of a professional.

    The publisher has endeavored to make the material on this site accurate. The information should be used only as general guide, however, as the publisher cannot guarantee that this information is free of typographical or content errors. Furthermore, each piece of content contains educational information only up to its original publication date.

    The author and the publisher will assume no liability nor responsibility to any person or entity with respect to any loss or damage related directly or indirectly to the information on this website. No warranties of any kind, express or implied, are made.